Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc

Interface Summary
GrailsControllerHelper An interface for a helper class that processes Grails controller requests and responses
ParameterCreationListener A callback interface that is fired when the params object is created

Class Summary
GrailsHttpSession An adapter class that takes a regular HttpSession and allows you to access it like a Groovy map
GrailsParameterMap A parameter map class that allows mixing of request parameters and controller parameters.
GrailsUrlHandlerMapping Class that handles URL mapping for Grails
GrailsWebRequest A class the encapsulates a Grails request.
GrailsWebRequestFilter A filter that binds a GrailsWebRequest to the currently executing thread
SimpleGrailsController Base class for Grails controllers.
SimpleGrailsControllerHelper This is a helper class that does the main job of dealing with Grails web requests

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