Uses of Class

Packages that use ConverterException

Uses of ConverterException in grails.converters

Methods in grails.converters that throw ConverterException
 void JSON.array(Object o)
protected  void JSON.bean(Object o)
          Renders any Java object to the JSON Writer by leveraging the Java reflection API
protected  void JSON.domain(Object o)
          Renders a instance of a Grails Domain Class to the JSON Writer
static Object XML.parse(HttpServletRequest request)
          Parses the give XML (read from the POST Body of the Request)
static Object JSON.parse(HttpServletRequest request)
          Parses the given request's InputStream and returns ether a JSONObject or a JSONArry
static Object XML.parse(InputStream is, String encoding)
          Parses the given XML
static Object JSON.parse(InputStream is, String encoding)
          Parses the given JSON and returns ether a JSONObject or a JSONArry
static Object XML.parse(String source)
          Parses the given XML
static Object JSON.parse(String source)
          Parses the given JSON String and returns ether a JSONObject or a JSONArry
 void XML.render(HttpServletResponse response)
          Renders the XML to the HttpServletResponse, also setting the the Content-Type (text/xml)
 void JSON.render(HttpServletResponse response)
          Directs the JSON Writer to the Outputstream of the HttpServletResponse and sets the Content-Type to text/json
 void XML.render(Writer out)
          Renders the XML to the given Writer
 void JSON.render(Writer out)
          Directs the JSON Writer to the given Writer
 void JSON.value(Object o)

Uses of ConverterException in grails.converters.deep

Methods in grails.converters.deep that throw ConverterException
protected  void JSON.bean(Object o)
protected  void JSON.domain(Object o)
protected  void JSON.handleCircularRelationship(Object o)

Uses of ConverterException in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters

Methods in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters that throw ConverterException
static Object ConverterUtil.createConverter(Class converterClass, Object target)
 void Converter.render(HttpServletResponse response)
          Marshalls the target and writes it a HttpServletResponse The response will be comitted after this operation
 void Converter.render(Writer out)
          Marshalls the target and writes it to a

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