Package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding

Interface Summary
GrailsScaffolder An interface that facilitates the required methods for using Scaffolding within GrailsControllers
GrailsTemplateGenerator An interface that defines methods for generating Grails artifacts from a domain class
ScaffoldDomain The main interface used by scaffolded controllers to access instances of persistent classes
ScaffoldRequestHandler An interface defining methods to handle CRUD operations involved in scaffolding
ScaffoldResponseHandler An interface defining methods to handle responses.
ScaffoldResponseHandlerFactory An interface that defines factory methods for creating ScaffoldResponseHandler instances.

Class Summary
DefaultGrailsResponseHandlerFactory The default implementation of a ScaffoldResponseHandlerFactory that uses the uri extension to look-up an appropriate response handler.
DefaultGrailsScaffolder The default implementation of scaffolding for Grails domain class and controller.
DefaultGrailsScaffolder.AbstractAction Abstract base class that extends closure and retrieves the necessary arguments from the controller This is used to inject closure properties into controllers so controller actions appear as if by magic.
DefaultScaffoldDomain The default implementation of a Scaffolding application that uses Hibernate as the persistence mechanism.
DefaultScaffoldRequestHandler Default implementation of the ScaffoldRequestHandler interface.
DomainClassPropertyComparator Comparator that uses the domain class property constraints to establish order in sort methods and always places the id first
GrailsScaffoldDomain Extends the default domain to delegate to Grails specific dynamic methods
GrailsScaffoldingUtil Contains utility methods for configuration scaffolding
ScaffoldedGroovyPageView A special Spring View for scaffolding that renders an in-memory scaffolded view to the response.
TemplateGeneratingResponseHandler A response handler that uses a GroovyPageTemplateEngine instance to write Templates directly to the response.

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