

Applies an inbuilt or user defined Groovy template against a model so that templates can be re-used for lists or instance or a single instance


Example domain class:

class Book {
     String title
     String author

Example template:


This template can now be re-used whether you have a list of books or a single book. For a list the template will be repeated for each instance:

<g:render template="displaybook" collection="${books}" />


<g:render template="displaybook" bean="${book}" />

or you could create a template that handles a certain type of model. For example the template below:

<p><%= book.title %></p>
<p><%= author.fullName %></p>

Could be used with the model as below. The disadvantage of this technique however is that the template is less re-usable

<g:render template="displaybook" model="['book':book,'author':author]" />

It is also possible to define the name of the variable to be used by the template in the render tag:

Example template:


Example render tag call for the above template

<g:render template="displaybook" collection="${books}" var="myBook"/>


Note that if the value of the template attribute starts with a '/' it will be resolved relative to the views folder. This is useful for sharing templates between views. Without the leading '/' it will be first be resolved relative to the current controller's view folder then, failing that, the top level views folder. In either case the template file must be named with a leading underscore ('_') but referenced in the template attribute without that underscore or the '.gsp' suffix.



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